
   I chose this topic because i wanted to learn more about how Free Blacks lived in the U.S and how they were treated. It was interesting to research and learn how most African American's were still treated badly even though they were free. Many people didn't believe that they were actually free blacks, so they took them and went to court to prove that they weren't free. Others just kidnapped the free blacks and made them their slaves. I learned that Free Blacks didn't have that many rights until the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment. But that didn't mean that they were still treated the same as the Whites.

I also learned that being a free black and a slave didn't really mean anything to anyone. If you were a freed black and you were walking down the street, someone could grab you and take you and say that you escaped and make you their slave. It was that easy to take a person. A person who maybe had a family. I am very glad that America is not like this anymore. 
     I didn't know I was a slave until I found out I couldn't do the things I wanted -Frederick Douglass.